Upskill Online Student Story - Carissa

Tell us a little bit about yourself…

My name is Carissa and I am from WA. My dream has always been to work with animals! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do ever since I was a child!

What course did you study with Upskill Online? How did you find it?

I studied in Animal Care and Animal Diseases; I loved both courses. I enrolled approximately 6 months ago and now graduated from both courses. I found the Animal Care certificate easier.

Did you feel supported? What was your favourite part of your studies?

Yes, it was easy to ask for help when needed.

Did you find a job within the field your studying? 

Yes!!! I found a job working with dogs in an animal care centre. I bath, clean, feed, walk them and then try not take them home at the end of my shift.

What kept you motivated while studying?

It’s something I always wanted to do so that helped. Having all my three kids at school meant that I had more time to study.